
Showing posts from January, 2018

Are all men on crack?

ARE ALL MEN ON CRACK?????? You will never believe this. For Christmas I knew the guys in my building were not going anywhere or doing anything. I decided to have a Christmas party for all seven of them. I sent out invitations almost three weeks in advance. The guy living across the street from me, who had never met me personally, never responded only place the invitation back in my mailbox without opening it. Fine, no problem. I felt like that was giving me "the bird" but that is fine. So I spend over $670.00 of my own money to purchase Christmas decorations, plates, utensils, etc. I assumed they would ask if they could bring something or help contribute in some way but it never happened. I was rather pissed that they could not even pull together a lousy Christmas card for me. I got nothing. That is fine too. They all enjoyed the food. They even took with them two and three plates of food. (One of them even asked for food for the week. I gave him an extra plate but that w