Are all men on crack?


You will never believe this.

For Christmas I knew the guys in my building were not going anywhere or doing anything. I decided to have a Christmas party for all seven of them. I sent out invitations almost three weeks in advance. The guy living across the street from me, who had never met me personally, never responded only place the invitation back in my mailbox without opening it. Fine, no problem. I felt like that was giving me "the bird" but that is fine. So I spend over $670.00 of my own money to purchase Christmas decorations, plates, utensils, etc. I assumed they would ask if they could bring something or help contribute in some way but it never happened. I was rather pissed that they could not even pull together a lousy Christmas card for me. I got nothing. That is fine too. They all enjoyed the food. They even took with them two and three plates of food. (One of them even asked for food for the week. I gave him an extra plate but that was all as I spent so much of my own money to do this.

Anyway, one of the guys who's name is Mark, was unable to attend as he went to visit family. I was very happy for him as I know how important family can be, especially as we get older. He told me in passing that he was concerned about a $700.00 dental bill that he was going to have to pay for and did not know where he was going to get the money. I thought I would do something for him. I was limited to the amount of money I could spend due to the truckload of money I spent for Christmas. However, I text him and asked him if he wanted to go to eat. I told him I would pay for it because he was unable to attend the Christmas party and also because of the bill that he had coming up. He said, no, no, I can't let you do that. We decide to go to Taco Bell and on the way, I said, "Well, since you won't allow me to pay for your meal, let's go "Dutch" and I will pay for mine and you can pay for your's." He agreed. We walk into the Taco Bell and the first words out of his mouth is, "you got this, right?" I said, "yes, I got it, no problem." I kind of rolled my eyes around though as he was acting like a mental patient. So I order my food, I turn to him and ask what he wanted, he makes a weird face like he was getting frustrated, then tells the cashier what he wanted, and watched as he rang up our order. The cashier walks away. I pull out my debit card and the whole time the cashier was gone I hear Mark say over and over, "I didn't want you to pay for it. I didn't expect for you to pay for it." Over and over he continued to say stuff like that but never bothered telling the cashier that I got it wrong, never offered his card, and never offered to give me cash for his meal. I did not think anything about it, however, and began getting napkins and things together. I continued to the table and began to eat when all of a sudden, he said, "you kind of embarrassed me." I said, "WHAT?" He repeated his statement. I said, "How?" He said, "you paid for my food." Not to be mean, but I thought to myself out of the two of us, you are embarrassed of me? I looked nice. I had my hair done, make up on, was wearing nice clothes. Here's this guy NO TEETH (even though he knew we were going to eat), wearing dirty jeans and looking like a transient. He then said, "there was a girl there who heard that you were paying for my food, looked at me, and began laughing. I didn't like that and it made me feel very embarrassed." I just sat there and looked at him thinking, is this guy for real? Is he on crack or is he truly a mental patient? I threw my hands up and said, "All I was trying to do was something nice for you." I said, "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way and dropped it." I explained to him that if a girl is laughing at him, then she's an asshole. THEN, to add insult to injury this jackass gets upset because I was picking up the trash to take it to the garbage!!! How is this offensive behavior????? He then says, "Whoa there, you truly are a militant feminist!!! You are truly a military female who always has to be in charge. I said, "I was just picking up the trash." He said, "let a guy do something for you." This guy never once offered to take the trash to the bin. Never even attempted to make a reach for it. I do not read minds so I was at a loss. (F.Y.I., I do, however, believe women should be respected not objectified and things should be balanced between the sexes.) I was thinking if I was a feminist, first, I would have nailed him in the genitals with the handle of the door when he was holding it open for me and I wouldn't have said, "thank you." Secondly, I would have thrown his trash in his face and told him to throw away his own damn trash as I am not his maid. Thirdly, I would not have spent all that money on the guys to show them a good Christmas dinner nor would I have done one thing for him.

I could not believe all this. I go to do something nice for someone and the next thing I know I am being criticized, told that I EMBARRASSED him, was reprimanded like a two year old, and then told that my kindness was interpreted as insult. WOW!!! It is true what they say folks. . . . NO GOOD DEED EVER GOES UNPUNISHED!
